Adaptrade Builder and NinjaTrader®
Adaptrade Builder makes it easy to discover, code, and test thousands of unique and complete NinjaTrader trading strategies in minutes. Builder can discover and code trading systems for automated trading of stocks, futures, forex, ETFs, and other markets on time intervals from tick data to monthly bars. Adaptrade Builder generates complete NinjaScript strategy code in open format for NinjaTrader 7 and NinjaTrader 8, ready to be copied into the NinjaTrader platform for execution.

Builder has been designed to read and process files of price data exported through the historical data manager of NinjaTrader. The Builder software includes automatic out-of-sample testing and features designed to increase robustness and prevent over-fitting. After the strategies are built, simply right-click on the strategy code and select "Save NinjaScript Strategy to File". The code can then be opened in the NinjaScript Editor, as shown below.

NinjaTrader® is our recommended trading software platform preferred by traders worldwide.
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- Strategy development and backtesting
NinjaTrader's award-winning trading platform is consistently voted an industry leader by the trading community. Featuring 1000s of Apps & Add-Ons for unlimited customization, NinjaTrader is used by over 500,000 traders for advanced market analysis, professional charting and fast order execution.
For new traders, start preparing for the live markets with a free trading simulator featuring real-time market data.